Password-thresh, Password-thresh -20 – SMC Networks SMC TigerStack III SMC6824MPE User Manual
Page 282
Use this command to set the password intrusion threshold which limits the
number of failed logon attempts. Use the no form to remove the threshold
password-thresh [threshold]
no password-thresh
threshold - The number of allowed password attempts.
(Range: 1-120; 0: no threshold)
Default Setting
The default value is three attempts.
Command Mode
Line Configuration
Command Usage
• When the logon attempt threshold is reached, the system interface
becomes silent for a specified amount of time before allowing the next
logon attempt. (Use the silent-time command to set this interval.) When
this threshold is reached for Telnet, the Telnet logon interface shuts
• This command applies to both the local console and Telnet connections.
To set the password threshold to five attempts, enter this command:
Related Commands
silent-time (4-21)
Console(config-line)#password-thresh 5
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