Samsung S3C2440A User Manual
Page 72

Register Specified Shift Amount
Only the least significant byte of the contents of Rs is used to determine the shift amount. Rs can be any general
register other than R15.
If this byte is zero, the unchanged contents of Rm will be used as the second operand, and the old value of the
CPSR C flag will be passed on as the shifter carry output.
If the byte has a value between 1 and 31, the shifted result will exactly match that of an instruction specified shift
with the same value and shift operation.
If the value in the byte is 32 or more, the result will be a logical extension of the shift described above:
1. LSL by 32 has result zero, carry out equal to bit 0 of Rm.
2. LSL by more than 32 has result zero, carry out zero.
3. LSR by 32 has result zero, carry out equal to bit 31 of Rm.
4. LSR by more than 32 has result zero, carry out zero.
5. ASR by 32 or more has result filled with and carry out equal to bit 31 of Rm.
6. ROR by 32 has result equal to Rm, carry out equal to bit 31 of Rm.
7. ROR by n where n is greater than 32 will give the same result and carry out as ROR by n-32; therefore
repeatedly subtract 32 from n until the amount is in the range 1 to 32 and see above.
The zero in bit 7 of an instruction with a register controlled shift is compulsory; a one in this bit will cause
the instruction to be a multiply or undefined instruction.