Samsung S3C2440A User Manual
Page 197

AdvFlash (Read only)
Advance NAND flash memory for auto-booting
0: Support 256 or 512 byte/page NAND flash memory
1: Support 1024 or 2048 byte/page NAND flash memory
This bit is determined by NCON0 pin status during reset
and wake-up from sleep mode.
H/W Set
PageSize (Read only)
NAND flash memory page size for auto-booting
AdvFlash PageSize
When AdvFlash is 0,
0: 256 Word/page,
1: 512 Bytes/page
When AdvFlash is 1,
0: 1024 Word/page,
1: 2048 Bytes/page
This bit is determined by GPG13 pin status during reset
and wake-up from sleep mode.
After reset, the GPG13 can be used as general I/O port
or External interrupt.
H/W Set
AddrCycle (Read only)
NAND flash memory Address cycle for auto-booting
AdvFlash AddrCycle
When AdvFlash is 0,
0: 3 address cycle
1: 4 address cycle
When AdvFlash is 1,
0: 4 address cycle
1: 5 address cycle
This bit is determined by GPG14pin status during reset
and wake-up from sleep mode.
After reset, the GPG14can be used as general I/O port or
External interrupt.
H/W Set
BusWidth (R/W)
NAND Flash Memory I/O bus width for auto-booting and
general access.
0: 8-bit bus
1: 16-bit bus
This bit is determined by GPG15 pin status during reset
and wake-up from sleep mode.
After reset, the GPG15 can be used as general I/O port or
External interrupt.
This bit can be changed by software.
H/W Set