Deleting zones from the list – Native Instruments MASCHINE MK3 Groove Production Studio (Black) User Manual

Page 918

background image

The other selected Zones are highlighted in white. Their settings are not displayed any-

where, however they will be affected by your actions in the Zone List and in the Map view
(see section

17.5.4, Selecting and Editing Zones in the Map View

for more on this).

Mouse/Keyboard Action


Multiple Selection

Hold [Ctrl] ([Cmd] on macOS) and
click several entries in the list

Selects all clicked Zones. Click a selected Zone to
deselect it (i.e. remove it from the selection).

Hold [Shift] and click two entries

Selects both Zones and all Zones in-between.

Press [Ctrl]+[A] ([Cmd]+[A] on


Selects/deselects all Zones in the list. When

deselecting, only the focused Zone remains selected.

Deleting Zones from the List

To remove one or more Zone(s) from the Zone List:

Select the Zone(s) you want to remove.


Press [Del] or [Backspace] on your computer keyboard.

The selected Zones are removed from the Zone List and from the Sample Map, and the

corresponding Samples are not used in the Sound anymore.

After you have selected the Zone(s) you want to remove, you can also use the context menu:

Select the Zone(s) you want to remove.


Right-click ([Ctrl]-click on macOS) any of the selected Zones.
A menu opens up.

Sampling and Sample Mapping

Mapping Samples to Zones

MASCHINE - Manual - 918