Native Instruments MASCHINE MK3 Groove Production Studio (Black) User Manual

Page 527

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[Alt] + drag note

Duplicates selected notes. When you drag horizontally, the

copies are moved in time according to the Step Grid (see
quantizing rules below).

Drag left/right note border

Moves the start/end of selected notes according to the Step
Grid, thereby resizing the notes (see quantizing rules


[Ctrl] + drag left/right note

(macOS: [Cmd] + drag left/right


Freely moves the start/end of selected notes (overrides the

Step Grid quantization), thereby resizing the notes.

Drag note vertically

Group view: Moves selected notes to another Sound of the

Keyboard view: Transposes selected notes.

Double-click note

Deletes selected notes.

Right-click (macOS: [Ctrl]-click) Deletes selected notes.

If multiple notes are selected, mouse actions can be performed on any of the selected notes —

they will apply to all selected notes.
If you perform any of the actions listed above on a note not included in the current selection,
the selection is dropped and the note you are editing will be the only note affected by your


Quantization when Editing a Single Event/Note

By default, all dragging actions on the time axis are quantized according to the Step Grid:

When you drag a note (or its duplicate) horizontally, its original offset with the Step Grid is
preserved, unless you drag the note near a grid line — in that case it will snap to the grid.

When you resize a note by dragging its start/end border, the new start/end border will snap
to the Step Grid.

Working with Patterns

Editing Events

MASCHINE - Manual - 527