Jumping between scene or sections in the software – Native Instruments MASCHINE MK3 Groove Production Studio (Black) User Manual
Page 808

one quarter note, one eighth note, one sixteenth note, the whole Scene/Section, and Off. If
you choose Off, the Scene/Section change will be performed immediately after you select
the next loop.
The Retrigger setting lets you decide where the next loop will start:
If Retrigger is enabled, the next Section (Ideas view) or Section (Song view) that is se-
lected will be forced to play from the start. This is useful if you always want your
Scenes or Sections to play from the beginning regardless of what’s happening else-
where in the music.
If Retrigger is disabled (default setting),
the next Scene or Section that is selected
will play from the same offset to the beginning: for example, leaving the current Sec-
tion on beat 3 will cause the new Section to start playing on its beat 3. This ensures
that the global groove of your track is not interrupted. Jumping between Scene or Sections in the Software
In the software, the Perform Grid and the Retrigger setting can be adjusted in the MASCHINE
In Ideas view the Perform Grid and the Retrigger controls the setting for jump between Scenes
and in Song view it sets the grid for the jump between Sections.
To set the Perform Grid and the Retrigger settings:
Click the Arranger View button to access Ideas view for Scenes or Song view for Sections.
When the Arranger View button is illuminated, Song view is active.
Working with the Arranger
Arranger Basics
MASCHINE - Manual - 808