Parameter slots - context menu – Native Instruments MASCHINE MK3 Groove Production Studio (Black) User Manual

Page 374

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(3) Add Page button (“+” symbol): Click the little “


” after the last page label to append a new

page. By default, pages are labeled “Page 1,” “Page 2,” etc. You can change page labels by
defining sections within your pages via the Section Label fields (2) — see above.
(4) Focus frame: Indicates the knob being assigned. Click any knob to edit its assignment.
(5) Parameter Label fields: Double-click these fields to enter custom labels for your parameters
(press [Enter] to confirm). These labels will be mirrored everywhere in MASCHINE for the cor-
responding parameters.
(6) Reset button: Click


to remove the assignment for the selected knob.

(7) Learn button: Click


to enter Learn mode. Learn mode is an intuitive learn process that

allows you to quickly assign the desired Plug-in parameters to all eight knobs of the current
Parameter page at once. When Learn mode is launched, each knob of the page is successively
focused starting with the knob selected for editing — indicated by the Focus frame (4). The
next parameter you touch in the plug-in’s user interface (see section

7.3.1, Opening/Closing

Plug-in Windows

) will be assigned to the focused knob. Once a knob is assigned, the next knob

to the right will become the focal point, and so on until the last knob is assigned. Once com-
plete, Learn mode is automatically deactivated. Alternatively, at any time you can click


again if you want to stop assigning parameters. When Learn mode is active, you can manually
change the focus of the knobs by clicking the desired knob in the Parameter area.

Once you have organized plug-in parameters into Parameter pages, you can also use MASCHINE

Macro Controls to pick the most commonly used parameters, e.g., for live performances. For more
information about Macro Controls, please refer to section

12.3, Creating Custom Sets of Parame-

ters with the Macro Controls


Parameter Slots - Context Menu

When the Assignment area is opened and the Pages tab is selected, a right-click on an as-
signed or unassigned Parameter slot’s label brings up a context menu.

Working with Plug-ins

Using Native Instruments and External Plug-ins

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