PLANET CS-2001 User Manual

Page 615

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 Available signatures are Attack Responses, Backdoor, Bad Traffic, Chat, DDoS,

DNS, DoS, Exploit, Finger, FTP, ICMP, IMAP, Info, Misc, MySQL, NetBIOS,

NNTP, Oracle, Policy, POP2, POP3, Porn, RPC, Rservices, Scan, Shellcode,

SMTP, SNMP, Spyware, SQL, Telnet, TFTP, Web CGI, Web Client, Web

Coldfusion, Web Frontpage, Web IIS, Web Misc, Web PHP, X11 and other.

Figure 19-2

 You may specify the action taken upon the detection of an anomaly flow.

Available actions are Pass, Drop, Reject, Log and Alert.