PLANET CS-2001 User Manual
Page 462

The description of the rule’s name.
When Spam is selected, emails that meet the inspection criteria will be classified
as spam.
When Ham (Non-Spam) is selected, emails that meet the inspection criteria will
be classified as ham.
This only functions when Classification is set to spam as there is no need for it if
there are no emails being classified as spam.
Spam can be deleted, quarantined, or delivered to the recipient.
And: Only emails that meet all the criteria will be classified as spam or ham.
Or: An email just has to satisfy one of the specified criterion to be regarded as
spam or ham.
Uses email attributes, such as header, body, attachment name, size,
mailcommand-From and mailcommand-To to examine whether an email is spam
or not.
The email header can be subdivided into received, envelope-to, from, to, Cc, Bcc,
subject, sender, reply-to, errors-to, message-ID, date and header for spam
When item is set to header, body, attachment name, mailcommand-From or
mailcommand-To, the corresponding conditions are contains, does not contain, is
equal to, is not equal to, starts with, ends with, exists and does not exist.
When item is set to size, the corresponding conditions are larger than, is equal to,
is not equal to and less than.
Rates an email as spam or ham according to the settings of item and condition.
For example, when item is set to from, condition is set to contains along with