PLANET CS-2001 User Manual

Page 216

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Terms in Application Blocking

Application Signatures Settings

 The application signatures are updated hourly. Alternatively, they can be

manualy updated instantly. The most recent update time is displayed together

with the version number.


1. Once the Proxy Server is deployed, the proxy settings under System > Configuration >

Settings must be configured for the CS-2001 to access the Internet.

Instant Messenger Login

 Regulates the use of MSN, Yahoo, ICQ/AIM, QQ, Skype, Google Talk,

Gadu-Gadu, Rediff, WebIM, Alisoft, BaiduHi, SinaUC, Fetion, Facebook Chat,


File Transfer over IM

 Regulates file transfers for MSN, Yahoo, ICQ/AIM, QQ, Google Talk, and


Peer-to-Peer Sharing

 Regulates the online usage of eDonkey, eMule, BitTorrent, WinMX, Foxy,

KuGoo, AppleJuice, AudioGalaxy, DirectConnect, iMesh, MUTE, Thunder5,

GoGoBox, QQDownload, Ares, Shareaza, BearShare, Morpheus, Limewire and


Multimedia Streaming

 Regulates logins for PPLive, PPStream, UUSee, QQLive/QQGame, ezPeer,

qvodplayer, Funshion and PPMate.

Web-Based Mail

 Regulates logins for Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, Hinet, PChome, URL, Yam,

Seednet, 163/126/Yeah, Tom, Sina and Sohu.

Online Gaming

 Restricts logins for GLWorld and QQGame.