To output basic waveform, To output arbitrary waveform, To output basic waveform -2 – RIGOL DG1000Z Series User Manual

Page 222: To output arbitrary waveform -2

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Chapter 3 Application Examples


DG1000Z Programming Guide

To Output Basic Waveform


Use the SCPI commands to realize the following functions:

Output a sine from the output connector of CH1 at the front panel: 500Hz frequency, 2.5Vpp amplitude,



offset and 90° start phase.

Method 1

1. *IDN?

/*Query the ID string of the signal generator to check whether

the remote communication is normal*/

2. :SOUR1:APPL:SIN 500,2.5,1,90

/*Set the waveform of CH1 to sine, the frequency to 500Hz,

the amplitude to 2.5Vpp, the offset to 1V


and the start

phase to 90°*/

3. :OUTP1 ON

/*Turn on the output of CH1*/

Method 2

1. *IDN?

/*Query the ID string of the signal generator to check whether

the remote communication is normal*/


/*Set the waveform of CH1 to sine*/

3. :SOUR1:FREQ 500

/*Set the waveform frequency of CH1 to 500Hz*/

4. :SOUR1:VOLT 2.5

/*Set the waveform amplitude of CH1 to 2.5Vpp*/


/*Set the waveform offset voltage of CH1 to 1V



6. :SOUR1:PHAS 90

/*Set the waveform start phase of CH1 to 90°*/

7. :OUTP1 ON

/*Turn on the output of CH1*/

To Output Arbitrary Waveform


Use the SCPI commands to realize the following functions:

Output arbitrary waveform (volatile memory waveform) from the output connector of CH1 at the front

panel; select the sample rate output mode; set the frequency to 500Hz, the number of waveform points to

10 and the floating voltages to -0.6, -0.4, -0.3, -0.1, 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5 and 0.7.


1. *IDN?

/*Query the ID string of the signal generator to check whether

the remote communication is normal*/

2. :SOUR1:APPL:ARB 500

/*Set CH1 to output arbitrary waveform (sample rate output

mode) and the waveform frequency to 500Hz*/

3. :SOUR1:DATA VOLATILE,-0.6,-0.4,-0.3,-0.1,0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.5,0.7

/*Download the floating voltages

-0.6,-0.4,-0.3,-0.1,0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.5,0.7 to the volatile

memory of CH1*/

4. :OUTP1 ON

/*Turn on the output of CH1*/