Comtech EF Data CDM-570A User Manual
Page 94

CDM-570A/570AL Satellite Modem with Optional Packet Processor
Updating Firmware
Revision 2
• Your CDM-570A/570AL firmware and Ethernet Traffic/Management IP Address
have been noted using either the CDM-570A/570AL’s Serial Interface or the
CDM-570A HTTP Interface ‘Admin | Firmware | Base Modem’ / ‘Admin |
Firmware | Packet Processor’ and ‘Configuration | LAN’ pages, respectively.
• The latest firmware files have been downloaded or otherwise received from
Comtech EF Data and are available on the User PC in an accessible temporary
Modem redundancy features must be disabled prior to update.
When updating firmware on modems equipped with the Packet Processor, you
must upload both the Base Modem and Packet Processor firmware files, and select
the firmware slots prior to rebooting the modem.
Before you can transfer the firmware files from the User PC to the CDM-570A/570AL, you must
first use Command-line to “ping” the modem to confirm proper connection and communication
between the User PC and the modem:
• Type “ping” at the Command-line prompt (where ‘’ is the
unit Ethernet Traffic/Management IP Address). The response should confirm whether the
unit is properly connected and communicating.
You may proceed once you have verified User PC-to-Modem communications.
Do these steps:
Use Command-line to transfer (FTP) the files from the User PC to the CDM-570A/570AL:
Type "ftp" (where ‘’ is the CDM-570A/570AL Ethernet
Traffic/Management IP Address).
The Admin User Name and Password when prompted. The default User Name and
Password is “comtech”.
Type “bin” to set the binary transfer mode.
Type “prompt” and then “hash” to facilitate the file upload.
• To begin the file transfer, transfer file FW-0020683*_#.#.#.bin (where ‘*’ is the
revision letter and ‘#.#.#’ is the version number):
o If the Packet Processor is
not installed:
Type "put FW-0020683*_#.#.#.bin a:\bulk.bin:" to begin the file transfers – the
destination “a:\bulk.bin” must be all lower case.