Appendix q. dedicated management port feature, Q.1 overview, Appendix q. dedicated – Comtech EF Data CDM-570A User Manual
Page 605: Management, Port, Feature
Q.1 Overview
Figure Q-1. CDM-570A/570AL Advanced Satellite Modem
The CDM-570A/570AL Advanced Satellite Modem (Figure Q-1) provides a “Dedicated
Management Port” function. When you use a single Ethernet port for both modem
management (referred to as monitor and control, or M&C) and user data traffic, this not only
causes many security issues, it also creates difficulties when converging two networks to a single
port. Dedicated Management Port operation mitigates these issues.
Dedicated Management Port is available in the Managed Switch, Router Point-to-Point, and
Router Point-to-Multipoint working modes when the optional High Performance Packet
Processor is installed and enabled. With Dedicated Management Port, the CDM-570A/570AL
uses the modem’s onboard ‘10/100 Ethernet | M&C 100’ port (Figure Q-1
Item 1) for M&C
access, and the Packet Processor ‘10/100 Ethernet | Traffic 100’ port (Figure Q-1
Item 2) for
Ethernet data traffic. This allows you to separate the M&C and traffic networks, and restricts
user access for modem M&C to the “dedicated” port.