Comtech EF Data CDM-570A User Manual
Page 319

CDM-570A/570AL Satellite Modem with Optional Packet Processor
Optional Packet Processor - Serial/Telnet CLI Operation
Revision 2
Hot Key Description
Traffic Port Speed/Mode
This is a configurable parameter and, as such, its exact setting can
vary between specific installations. The default setting allows the
Ethernet port to auto-negotiate its link speed on power-up. Selections
1 – Auto (default)
2 – 10 MB/sec Half Duplex
3 – 100 MB/sec Half Duplex
4 – 10 MB/sec Full Duplex
5 – 100 MB/sec Full Duplex
Mgmt IP Address
Select this to assign the IP Address for the Ethernet M&C Interface.
Set the IP address in aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd format
Subnet Prefix Length
Select this to define the Subnet Mask assigned to the Ethernet Traffic
Interface. Set the subnet mask prefix length (8...30)
DM/Red Traffic MAC Address
This is the hardware destination MAC Address that is used when an
Ethernet packet is destined for the Packet Processor Traffic Ethernet
Interface. This address is unique and has been assigned permanently
at the factory.
DM/Red Traffic IP Addr
In Managed Switch Mode, this entry is not applicable.
In Router mode this parameter can be configured when either
Redundancy is Enabled Or Dedicated Management Port is Enabled.
DM/Red Traffic Subnet Prefix
In Managed Switch Mode, this entry is not applicable.
In Router mode, this parameter can be configured when either
Redundancy is Enabled Or Dedicated Management Port is Enabled.
Traffic Port Actual Speed
This displays the current speed and duplex of the Packet Processor
Traffic port.
Dedicated Management Port
Select this to disable or enable Dedicated Management Port operation.
When Working Mode = Router, selections are:
1 – Disabled (default)
2 – Enabled