Comtech EF Data CDM-570A User Manual
Page 367

CDM-570A/570AL Satellite Modem with Optional Packet Processor
Optional Packet Processor - Serial/Telnet CLI Operation
Revision 2
9–71 Operations and Maintenance > Statistics Menu> WAN Statistics
Open the nested WAN Statistics page from the Statistics page. This page displays counts of the
number of packets routed or dropped in the Packet Processor Satellite interface.
Figure 9-53. WAN Statistics
Hot Key Description
Clears and resets the WAN statistics buffer.
The page provides these read-only statistics:
WAN Rx Bad Addr Count
Packets dropped due to HDLC Address mismatch
WAN Rx Pkt Proc CRC Error Count
Count of received frames that failed packet processor CRC check.
Indicates that a Payload Compressed Packet was received that could
not be decompressed.
WAN Rx Abort/Octet Error Count
Count of aborted frames and octet error frames.