Dr. Livingstone, I Presume WELDWISE 2400 User Manual
Page 72

0433-INS-400 Rev. E
• Master ID
When a master is selected, the Master ID is displayed at the top of the screen. The tolerancing
screen adjusts the limits for this master.
• Select Master Button
This option displays a list of stored masters and allows one to be picked for tolerance editing.
• Parameter Pickbox
Each parameter can be selected for tolerancing. The values for the selected parameter are shown on
the y-axis (vertical). The graph scale for each parameter can be adjusted via the Graph Setup
option of the Setup menu.
• Cursor / Cursor Halfcycle Position
The cursor is the thin arrow on the tolerancing screen that is slightly taller than the others. The
cursor may be moved by the Arrow Keys, or by touching the graph. The units and value of the
selected data parameter at the cursor are displayed as the Cursor Halfcycle Value. The Cursor
Halfcycle Position is displayed just above the graph. The segment, halfcycle count within the
segment and halfcycle count of the weld are displayed.
• Update
After the tolerance limits of a master are edited, the master must be updated in order for the weld
monitor to begin comparing welds with the new tolerances limits. After the master has been
updated, the current limits are displayed graphically along with the master. The limit traces are
displayed as ‘dimmer’ lines on the display.
• Low/High Limit Boxes
The high and low limits for the selected parameter are displayed/edited in these boxes. The
displayed limits correspond to the segment where the cursor is. The Tolerance Limit Mode is
displayed next to the parameter pickbox, and cannot be changed in this menu. Tolerance Limit
Mode is set in the Tolerance Defaults screen.
There are two Tolerance Limit Modes:
REL – Relative Limits. All tolerance limits are set relative to the master signature data. For
example, for a given master, the high tolerance limit for Current Rms in Segment 1 is set to
5. If the Cursor Halfcycle Value for hcycle 10 is 9.03 KA and the Cursor Halfcycle Value
for hcycle 11 is 8.53 KA, the high tolerance limit for hcycle 10 will be 14.03 KA and for
hcycle 11 it will be 13.53 KA. If a weld is made using that master and the Current Rms for
hcycle 10 in Segment 1 is 10 KA, the weld will be rejected and the parameter Current Rms
will be flagged as out of tolerance.
ABS – Absolute Limits. The master data values are ignored, and tolerances are absolute. Only the
master segment structure is used. For example, for a given master, the high tolerance limit
for Current Rms is set to 5. If the cursor halfcycle value for hcycle 10 is 9.03 KA and the
cursor halfcycle value for hcycle 11 is 8.53 KA, the high tolerance limit for both halfcycles
will be 5 KA.