Dr. Livingstone, I Presume WELDWISE 2400 User Manual
Page 64

0433-INS-400 Rev. E
Database Export Screen
• Export All
This option saves the current databases to
archive databases, backing up all system and
weld data. An Export All command should be
executed periodically as system settings are
changed and masters are developed. The
current and archive database file names are:
Current Database
Archive Database
WARNING: Welds cannot be monitored while
the Export All option is in use. Any remote
user interface windows must also be closed.
It may take more than ½ an hour to complete an
Export All command. If the Cancel button is
used, the weld monitor must be shut down and
restarted. DO NOT shutdown the weld monitor
during this operation.
• Export Masters
This option saves the current masters to an
archive database, backing up all current
masters. An Export Masters command should
be executed periodically as masters are
developed. The masters archive database file
name is masters.mdb. This command will
overwrite any masters written by a previous
Export Masters command.
WARNING: Welds cannot be monitored while
the Export Masters option is in use. Any
remote user interface windows must also be
closed. If the Cancel button is used, the weld
monitor software must be shut down and
restarted. DO NOT shutdown the weld monitor
during this operation.
Figure 6-29 Export Masters
Figure 6-28 Export All
Figure 6-30 Export Masters to Floppy