Dr. Livingstone, I Presume WELDWISE 2400 User Manual
Page 50

0433-INS-400 Rev. E
Main Menu Options
Selecting the
MENU button on the touch-pad
displays the Main Menu, as shown in figure 6-6.
You can return to the Main Menu from sub-menus
by using the MENU or ESCAPE buttons.
If you are using an external keyboard, you
may quickly access menu options by holding
down the ALT key and pressing the underlined
letter. For example, to go to the Data Menu from
the Main Menu, hold down ALT, and press D.
• Data
This option displays the Data Menu which
allows you to review weld data, access the system log, and perform database backup / restore
• Mastering
This option displays the Mastering screen, which allows you to create and edit weld masters.
• Tolerancing
This option displays the Tolerancing Master screen, which allows you to adjust the high and low
tolerance limits of each parameter in a selected master.
• Setup
This option displays the Setup Menu, which provides setup options to help you configure the
system and to calibrate sensors.
• Shutdown
This option displays a list of shutdown choices.
Figure 6-6 Main Menu