Dr. Livingstone, I Presume WELDWISE 2400 User Manual
Page 68

0433-INS-400 Rev. E
Each segment will have the tolerances specified in the Tolerance Defaults Screen. (The weld can
be divided up into more segments in the Tolerancing Screen). The binary select value when the
master was made is indicated at the end of the master name by “Mxx”, where xx is the binary
select number. A master will be created for each unique binary select received during mastering.
Livingston weld monitors are initially set with forgiving default tolerances. Tolerances usually
need to be tightened by the customer for most applications. Refer to the Tolerancing section in
Chapter 6 for more information.
• Select Master
This option displays a list of stored masters, and
allows one to be picked for editing or update.
• Edit Master
The edit master option selects the Edit Master
screen. This can be used to add/remove welds
from a master set, change the binary select, or
rename a master.
• Copy/Replace
This button has two functions. The first is to
a selected master (COPY): if the
Copy/Replace button is pressed and then the
Done button is pressed without any new welds
being made, the selected master will be copied
and named with the current date and time. The
second is to create a new master with the same
tolerances as the selected master but with new
master data (REPLACE): if the Copy/Replace
button is pressed and new welds are recorded
before the Done button is pressed, the original
welds that were used to create the selected
master are deleted from the copy, and the new
weld data is used instead. The segment
structure and tolerance settings of the original
master are preserved. To replace a master, the
source master must first be Updated and the new
welds recorded must contain the same number of half cycles.
Masters cannot be copied/replaced between binary selects however the binary select associated
with the master can be edited using the edit master feature .
Copy/Replace should be used only if the replacing weld (new weld) contains the same number
of halfcycles as the existing master being copied. Otherwise, a new master should be created.
Figure 6-37 Select Master
Figure 6-38 Copy/Replace