Magnitude and phase measurements at orders – Rockwell Automation 1441-PEN25-Z Enpac 2500 Data Collector User Manual

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Rockwell Automation Publication GMSI10-UM002D-EN-E - August 2012


Setting Up Measurements

Chapter 2

Figure 14 - Magnitude with Multiple Frequency Bands Measurement Definitions

The filter specifications are shown in the table below:

Magnitude and Phase Measurements at Orders

Emonitor and the Enpac support collecting the magnitude and phase at orders.
This topic describes the steps to set up measurement definitions to collect
magnitude and phase with the Enpac. There are several things you may need to
know about collecting magnitude and phase at orders.

You must select Also collect phase data in the collection specification to
collect phase.

You must select Analog when you define orders filters. The Enpac
automatically uses its internal order filters if you are collecting phase. If you
are collecting only magnitude values and you do not select this option, the
Enpac collects a spectrum and Emonitor calculates the magnitudes after

When collecting magnitude and phase at orders, the Enpac always collects
a spectrum measurement, and then calculates the magnitude and phase
values from the spectrum.

The Enpac can collect phase only at the first through eighth orders.

The Enpac can collect magnitude only at the first through the eighth
orders. If you request additional orders, Emonitor calculates magnitude
values at additional orders from the spectrum after unloading the data.

The Enpac may collect more orders than requested, but it does not collect
fewer than requested. Only the requested values are unloaded into

The Enpac may display a phase value that differs from the value that
appears in Emonitor by up to one degree.

Table 19 - Filter Specifications for Magnitude with Multiple Frequencies


Low Cutoff

High Cutoff

Data collector filter type

0.8-1.2 Order

0.8 Orders

1.2 Orders


1.2-3.5 Order

1.2 Orders

3.5 Orders


3.5-8.5 Order

3.5 Orders

8.5 Orders


8.5-50% Fmax

8.5 Orders

50% Max Freq


50%-100% Fmax

50% Max Freq

100% Max Freq


0.8-100% Fmax

0.8 Orders

100% Max Freq


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