Soloing tracks, Soloing when the track solo buttons are hidden, Soloing multiple tracks – Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual
Page 98: Track button slide activation

Chapter 3
Arrange Window
Soloing Tracks
Both MIDI and audio tracks (and folders) offer Track Solo buttons to the left side of the
Track List, between the track number and the icon. Soloing a track isolates it while
playing—and mutes all other tracks. To show or hide the yellow Track Solo buttons,
select View > Track Solo Buttons.
Activating any Track Solo button enables Solo Lock mode (see “Solo and Solo Lock” on
page 81), if necessary, and adds all Regions on that track to the Solo Lock Group. The
button turns yellow when active. Deactivating a Track Solo button removes all Regions
on the track from the Solo Lock group and—in cases where no other Track’s Solo
button is active—disables Solo Lock. Disabling the global Solo (Lock), sets all individual
Track Solo buttons to the Off position.
Soloing When the Track Solo Buttons Are Hidden
If the Track Solo buttons are hidden—to save space—you can still solo a track with the
Solo button on the Transport bar.
Simply press the Transport Solo button, and click on the desired track. Soloed tracks are
indicated by a yellow outline.
Soloing Multiple Tracks
If you hold down Shift while the Transport Solo button is active, and click on the
desired track names, you will solo them (when the track Solo buttons are hidden).
If you hold any modifier while clicking on a Solo button in the Track List, all tracks in
the currently-selected display level (or folder) are soloed. If they were already soloed,
they will be unsoloed.
Note: You can make use of the Track Button Slide Activation feature for both the Track
Solo and Mute button functions (see “Track Button Slide Activation” on page 98).
Track Button Slide Activation
Buttons on Arrange tracks (Solo, Mute, Record Enable, Freeze) support “slide activation”,
which is similar to running your finger across several channel strip buttons on good
hardware mixing consoles.
As a usage example of slide activation in Logic, click-hold on the Mute button of one
track, and drag the mouse up or down. The Mute buttons of all “swiped” tracks will
switch to the same state.
Simply drag over the Mute buttons of the same tracks to undo the Mute.