Explode folders – Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual

Page 402

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Chapter 15

Score Editor

Content Catch: similar to Content Linked, but Catch is also activated. Only one MIDI
Region is displayed at a time, but the display changes to the next MIDI Region on the
same track, according to the current bar position, during playback.

Linked: (single click on the Link symbol) The Score window shows the same display
(folder) level as the Arrange window. This is most relevant if you work with Folders.

Not Linked (Link button deactivated): in this mode, Logic simply stays at the currently
visible Display Level, and doesn’t react to MIDI Region selection in other windows. As
an example, if you always want to see the full score in a particular Score window,
choose this mode once the full score is displayed in the window.

Explode Folders

If the current Display Level allows more than one MIDI Region to be viewed
simultaneously (Linked or Not Linked), the View > Explode Folders option will affect how
things are shown: unlike the other editor windows, the Score window can display (or
even print) the contents of different display (folder) levels at once. If the current Display
Level contains folders, their contents are also displayed in the score (if this option is not
activated, Folders will appear as grey beams in linear view, and won’t be shown at all in
page edit view).

Changing Between Single Sequence and Full Score Display

At all Display Levels, a double-click on a MIDI Region or folder will take you to the next
lower level (into the Folder or the display of that particular MIDI Region). A double-click
in the empty space below or above the staves will take you up to the next higher level
(the next higher Folder, or to the full score display of all Regions in the song). Basically,
the same principle applies, even if you don’t use Folders at all: the highest of all levels
(the complete song) could also be regarded as a folder, which contains all MIDI