Deleting cables, Cable color, Multiple cabling – Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual
Page 161: Multiple inputs, Multiple outputs, Special outputs

Chapter 5
The Environment
A cable connection to another layer looks like this:
Deleting Cables
To remove a cable connection, click the cable with the eraser, or select the cable and
press Backspace. You can also remove a cable by grabbing it and plugging it back into
the input of its source Object.
You can use Edit > Clear Cables only to remove all selected cables, without also clearing
any Objects that happen to be selected. This is handy if you want to clear all cables
leading to (or from) one or more Objects, given that selecting Objects also selects all
associated cable connections.
Cable Color
Cables are assigned the same color as the source Object. You can switch off cable
coloring, and render them all in gray with the View > Colored Cables function.
Multiple Cabling
Multiple Inputs
There is no limit to the number of cables that you can “plug” into a target Object. All
MIDI signals are then mixed at its input.
Multiple Outputs
Once an output from an Object is used (cabled to another Object), another output
triangle automatically appears. You can thus cable outputs from the Object to as many
other destination Objects as desired.
Note: Some Objects have special outputs, and are exceptions to this rule.
Special Outputs
Some Objects, such as the Channel Splitter (see “Channel Splitter Object” on page 173),
feature several—functionally different—outputs. In these Objects, each output is only
available once. If you want to route the signal to several destinations from these
outputs, you must first create a monitor (see “Monitor Object” on page 173) (New >
Monitor), plug the cable into it, then connect it to as many other destinations as you
like. The monitor Object also allows you to view the MIDI events flowing through it.