Positioning the spl directly in the score, Notation concept, Basics – Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual
Page 332

Chapter 15
Score Editor
Positioning the SPL Directly in the Score
The Song Position Line can be set directly in the Score window by Option-clicking a
staff at the desired position. This function is only available when the sequencer is
stopped. It is especially helpful in Page view, where no Bar Ruler is displayed. The
selected position is displayed in the Help Tag while the mouse button is pressed.
Notation Concept
MIDI sequencing and score display are closely related in Logic. Every note in the score
represents a MIDI note event. MIDI Regions are interpreted for display by Logic, using
methods that can be influenced by the user to a great extent. The goal is to retain the
feel of real time recordings, while still rendering a readable score.
If notes are entered into the score with the mouse or step input, they are also played
back via MIDI, as they represent MIDI events.
Recorded MIDI Regions are automatically displayed in the Score window. If you like the
sound of playback, but not the score display, you can usually obtain the desired results
by changing settings in; the Display Parameter box, the various Song Settings dialog
windows, or the Note Attributes. You can further control the display by selecting or
creating Score Styles, Instrument Sets, and Text Styles that best fit your music.
If you generally prefer mouse input, you first need to create one or more empty MIDI
Regions in the Arrange window with the pencil tool. These will be displayed as empty
staves in the Score window. Rests are usually displayed automatically in Logic, and
don’t need to be manually inserted.
If you want to use the mouse to insert new notes into a previously recorded MIDI
Region, you can select a rhythmic note value from the Part box, and drag it to the
desired bar and pitch position, in any of the visible staves.
No matter which input method you decide to use, the selected display settings always
apply to the inserted MIDI events. This means that a thirty-second note can only be
displayed if the Qua parameter in the Display Parameter box of the corresponding MIDI
Region is set to 1/32, or shorter. If the value is set to 1/8, an inserted 32nd note will be
displayed as an eighth note (but will still play back as a 32nd). The display is also
affected by the Interpretation setting in the MIDI Region’s Display Parameter box. These
settings can be different for each MIDI Region—even for MIDI Regions on the same
track! Simply cut the MIDI Region with the scissors tool to use different display
parameter settings in the same staff. Once cut, you can assign different display settings
to the resulting shorter MIDI Regions, although they will still be displayed as one,
uninterrupted staff. MIDI playback is not affected by this procedure.