Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual
Apple Software
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Logic Express 7
- Reference Manual
- Contents
- Preface 9 Logic Reference
- Chapter 1 13 Using Logic
- 13 Using the Mouse
- 14 Input Options
- 16 Tools and the Toolbox
- 21 Window Functions
- 32 Edit Operations
- 33 Selection Techniques
- 35 General Functions of the Editors
- 36 Key Commands
- 44 Step Input
- 49 Caps Lock Keyboard
- 51 Song Administration
- 60 Standard MIDI Files
- 62 Apple Loops
- 67 GarageBand File Import
- 68 ReCycle Import
- 70 OPEN TL Import
- 70 Bouncing and POW-r Dithering
- Chapter 2 73 Transport
- Chapter 3 91 Arrange Window
- Chapter 4 133 Audio in the Arrange Window
- Chapter 5 153 The Environment
- Chapter 6 191 Logic’s Mixing Facilities
- Chapter 7 225 Automation
- Chapter 8 239 Global Tracks
- Chapter 9 249 Audio Window
- Chapter 10 271 Audio Drivers
- Chapter 11 275 Sample Editor
- Chapter 12 297 Event List
- Chapter 13 311 Hyper Editor
- Chapter 14 323 Matrix Editor
- Chapter 15 329 Score Editor
- 329 Score Editor—Introduction
- 331 Elements of the Score Edit Window
- 332 Notation Concept
- 336 General Appearance
- 339 Input Methods in the Score Window
- 339 Score Display Options—a Survey
- 341 Printout
- 342 Graphic Export
- 343 Realtime MIDI Recording
- 343 Step Input
- 344 Mouse Input
- 348 The Part Box
- 369 Move, Copy, and Paste
- 371 Editing or Deleting Notes and Symbols
- 374 The Display Parameter Box
- 380 Score Styles
- 398 Note Attributes
- 401 Instrument Sets and Score Display Levels
- 410 Song Settings for Score Display
- 423 Score Preferences
- 425 Text: Input and Display
- 432 Chord Symbols
- Chapter 16 437 The Transform Window
- Chapter 17 447 Tempo
- Chapter 18 451 Synchronization
- Chapter 19 461 Video
- Chapter 20 465 Song Settings and Preferences
- Chapter 21 487 Control Surface Support
- Glossary 501
- Index 511
- Logic Reference
- Using Logic
- Using the Mouse
- Input Options
- Tools and the Toolbox
- Window Functions
- Edit Operations
- Selection Techniques
- General Functions of the Editors
- Key Commands
- Step Input
- Caps Lock Keyboard
- Song Administration
- Standard MIDI Files
- Apple Loops
- GarageBand File Import
- ReCycle Import
- OPEN TL Import
- Bouncing and POW-r Dithering
- Transport
- Arrange Window
- Overview
- Tracks
- Arrange Channel Strip
- MIDI Instruments
- MIDI Regions
- MIDI Region Playback Parameters
- Quantization
- Folders
- Aliases
- Time and Key Signature Editor
- Altering the Display
- Reset Functions
- Audio in the Arrange Window
- The Environment
- Environment—Introduction
- Basic Operation
- The MIDI Signal Path
- Environment Objects
- Object Parameters
- Standard Instrument
- Multi Instrument
- Multi Instrument Window
- Defining Custom Bank Selects
- Mapped Instrument
- GM Mixer Object
- Keyboard Object
- Monitor Object
- Channel Splitter Object
- Arpeggiator Object
- Delay Line Object
- Physical Input/Sequencer Input Objects
- MIDI Metronome Click
- Internal Objects
- Internal—ReWire
- MIDI Outs
- Faders
- Audio Objects
- Faders
- Environment Exchange
- Logic’s Mixing Facilities
- Automation
- Global Tracks
- Audio Window
- Audio Window—Introduction
- Layout
- Display
- Operation
- File Administration
- Further Options
- Audio Drivers
- Sample Editor
- Sample Editor—Introduction
- Display
- The Sample Edit Window in Use
- Functions
- Digital Factory
- Event List
- Hyper Editor
- Matrix Editor
- Score Editor
- Score Editor—Introduction
- Elements of the Score Edit Window
- Notation Concept
- General Appearance
- Input Methods in the Score Window
- Score Display Options—a Survey
- Printout
- Graphic Export
- Realtime MIDI Recording
- Step Input
- Mouse Input
- The Part Box
- Selecting and Inserting Part Box Objects
- Object Selection by Key Commands
- Display Size of Inserted Objects
- Notes
- Ties
- N-Tuplets
- Grace Notes, Independent Notes
- Sustain Pedal Symbols
- Clefs
- Dynamic Symbols
- Note Heads
- Symbols Attached to Notes
- Jazz Symbols
- Slurs, Crescendi
- Key Signatures
- Time Signatures
- Repeat Signs and Bar Lines
- Trills, Tremolo, and so on
- Rests, Bar Repeat Signs
- Text Objects, Chord Symbols
- D.S., D.C., Segno, Coda Signs
- Tempo and Swing Symbols
- Move, Copy, and Paste
- Editing or Deleting Notes and Symbols
- The Display Parameter Box
- Score Styles
- Basics
- Predefined Styles
- Working With Score Styles
- The Score Style Window
- Handling Score Styles
- Editing Single Staff Score Styles
- Editing Two-Stave Score Styles
- Voice Separation Method
- Editing Single-Staff Polyphonic Styles
- Input and Recording of Polyphonic Voices
- Single-Staff Score Style With Optional Polyphony
- Multi-Stave Polyphonic Score Styles
- Cross Staff Beaming
- Copying Voices or Staves
- Drum Notation With Mapped Score Styles
- Note Attributes
- Instrument Sets and Score Display Levels
- Song Settings for Score Display
- Importing All Score Settings
- Global Format
- Top/Bottom/Left/Right Margin
- Add Bracket Space
- Alternating Margins
- Header Space
- Line Distance
- Max. Bars/Line
- Constant/Proportional Spacing: Note Distance
- Slash Spacing: Spacing of Beat Slashes
- Default Pedal Position
- Beaming Slant Factor/Min. Slant/Max. Slant
- “Open” Single Staves
- Justify Last Staff
- Hide Muted Sequences/Tracks
- Show Alias
- Allow Alias Editing
- Alternate Repeat Symbols
- Chord Symbol Language
- Numbers & Names
- Clefs & Signatures
- Extended Layout Parameters
- Guitar Tablature
- MIDI Meaning
- Color
- Score Preferences
- Dashed Song Position Line
- Show Sequence Selection Colored
- Fast (Lower Resolution) Curves on Screen
- Display All Distance Values in Inches
- Use external Symbol Font (if Available)/Only for Printout
- Open Floating Palettes
- Double Click Note to Open…
- Graphic Export Resolution, Graphic Export to…, PICT File Creator ID
- Auto Split Notes at…
- Text: Input and Display
- Chord Symbols
- The Transform Window
- Tempo
- Synchronization
- Video
- Song Settings and Preferences
- Saving of Song Settings and Preferences
- Song Settings
- Preferences
- Control Surface Support
- Glossary
- Index