Realtime midi recording, Step input – Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual

Page 343

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Chapter 15

Score Editor


Realtime MIDI Recording

Although real time MIDI recording is usually done in the Arrange window, you can also
start recording directly from the Score window. You must first select the destination
track in the Arrange window’s track column. This can be done directly from the Score
window, by clicking on a staff that belongs to the desired track. If no MIDI Regions exist
on the track, you will need to switch to the Arrange window for recording, because the
track won’t be displayed in the Score (the Score window only shows Regions and

If you want your recording to become part of an existing MIDI Region (because you use
score template files), select the global Song Settings > Recording Options menu item,
and activate Merge New Recording With Selected Regions, before starting to record. Also
make sure that the destination MIDI Region is selected, or Logic will create a new MIDI
Region on the same track, which will probably overlap the existing one.

The display of recorded notes depends on:

The score display settings, especially those in the Display Parameter box (see “The
Display Parameter Box” on page 374) and the Not
e Attributes (see “Note Attributes”
on page 398).
Please read the corresponding sections in this chapter.

The Quantize and Transpose settings in the Arrange window’s Region Parameter box
(see “MIDI Region Playback Parameters” on page 116):

Logic creates a score display based on the MIDI data, including any changes caused by
these two playback parameters.

An example: if Transpose is set to


2 in the Region Parameter box, a note that was

initially a C (when recorded) will be played back and displayed as a D. The same applies
to playback quantization, with the exception of notes that were “unquantized” with the
Quantize tool, or the corresponding key command.

Step Input

Step input (see “Step Input” on page 44) in the Score window works in the same way as
other editor windows.

The Score Edit window, however, is the only editor (apart from the Matrix editor) where
the content of several Regions can be displayed and edited at once. This ability results
in some differences relating to step input in the Score window:

The MIDI Region that you want to insert notes into must be selected (click on the
staff ). If no staff is visible, you must first create an empty MIDI Region in the Arrange