Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual

Page 195

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Chapter 6

Logic’s Mixing Facilities


Mute: Click the Mute button on any selected channel. The Mute buttons of all
selected channels will switch to the new mode.

Solo: Click the Solo button on any selected channel. The Solo buttons of all selected
channels will switch to the new mode.

Record Enable: Click the Record enable button on any selected channel. The Record
Enable buttons of all selected channels will switch to the new mode (note that only
channels with different input sources can be record enabled simultaneously).

Send Level: Drag the Send level knob on any selected channel. All Send level knobs
of the corresponding Send slots change accordingly (relative changes).

Send Destination: Click-hold on any of the selected channel’s Send slot(s), and make
your selection from the list. The corresponding Send slots of all selected channels will
be routed to the chosen destination.

Inserts: Click-hold on any of the selected channel’s Insert slot(s), and make your
selection from the list. The selected effect will be inserted into the corresponding
Insert slot on all selected channels.

Input: Click-hold on any selected channel’s Input slot, and make your selection from
the list. All selected channels will receive their signal from the chosen input(s).

Output: Click-hold on any selected channel’s Output slot, and make your selection
from the list. All selected channels will be routed to the chosen output (pair).

Automation Mode: Click-hold any selected channel’s Automation mode pop-up
menu, and make your selection from the list. All selected channels will be switched
to the chosen Automation mode.

Group Assignment: Click-hold any selected channel’s Group display, and make your
selection from the list. All selected channels will be assigned to the chosen Group.


You can only perform the multi-channel Send and Insert options if no active

Send or Insert is in the same slot on any selected channel. In other words, ensure that
all selected channels have an unused Send 3, or Insert slot 4, for example, before using
this facility.

Note: Clicking a fader or knob while holding Option resets the value to a neutral
value: Option-clicking a volume fader sets it to 0 dB (90, if the Value As menu in the
Object Parameter box is set to the Num option), Option-clicking a pan pot sets it to the
center position, Option-clicking a send pot sets it to 0 dB (90).