Additional parameters for text objects, Changing several selected objects simultaneously, Relative change (preserving differences) – Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual
Page 373: Absolute change (all values set equal)

Chapter 15
Score Editor
vert.pos determines the height/vertical position. Zero means a position exactly on
the top line of the staff, in most cases. Positive values are above, negative values
below it.
hor.pos determines the horizontal graphical offset of the object’s bar position. A
value of zero corresponds to the left edge of a note, at that particular position.
Additional Parameters for Text Objects
Text Style (see “Text Styles” on page 425)
Size of the font being used
Align: horizontal alignment
Most parameters in the Event Parameter box can be edited by using the mouse as a
fader (hold down the mouse button while moving it up or down). Alternately, you can
double-click on a parameter (except Text Styles and alignment), which opens an entry
field. Simply insert the desired value as a number, or as a pitch, if dealing with notes
(example: “D#4”). You can also insert relative changes, such as
4, into this field, to
raise all selected note pitches by 4 half steps, or to increase a numerical value of
another parameter by 4.
Changing Several Selected Objects Simultaneously
If several objects are selected, this is indicated in the Event Parameter box’ title line by
X Notes/Symbols/Events/Texts/Chords selected. “X” indicates the number of selected
objects. The terms Notes, Texts, and Chords are only used if the current selection is
limited to objects of that particular type.
If—as in most cases—parameter fields are visible while multiple events are selected, all
corresponding values can be edited simultaneously. “*” as a value means that the
selected objects have different values for that particular parameter. There are different
options for changing these values:
Relative Change (Preserving Differences)
Grab the “*” with the mouse, and use the mouse as a slider. The value shown during
this process belongs to the first of the selected objects. The other objects are altered by
the same amount (while retaining their relative values). You can also double-click the
value and insert the desired change (a number with a plus or minus in front of it) into
the resulting entry field (see above).
Absolute Change (All Values Set Equal)
Press Option during the procedure described above: as soon as you move the mouse,
the parameter is set to the same value for all selected objects. This enables you to set
all notes of a chord to the same length or velocity, or set all selected objects to the
same height (vert.pos).