Setup window parameters, Device parameters, Special parameters – Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual

Page 490: Display parameters

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Chapter 21

Control Surface Support

Setup Window Parameters

Device Parameters

Each control surface unit must be connected to an independent MIDI In and Out port.
The automatic setup or Scan procedure should have automatically found, and set, the
correct MIDI In/Out port settings for each unit.

In the event that the MIDI In or Out port identification is incorrect, you can manually
select the appropriate one for the unit. To do so, click-hold on the MIDI Input and
Output pull-down menus, and select the appropriate port(s) of your MIDI interface.

Some devices allow you to define a device ID (or global/basic channel). This can be set
in this area. Module name, model name and firmware version are also displayed in the
device parameters.

Special Parameters

Some control surfaces may allow the definition of “special” parameters. An example of
this is fader touch sensitivity. Such parameters can be found in the Special Parameters
area. A detailed description can be found in the documentation of the particular
control surface plug-in.

Display Parameters

Flip Mode
Many control surfaces offer both a fader and a rotary encoder for each channel strip.
Flip Mode allows you to swap the encoder assignment with that of the fader for each
channel. Alternately, you can assign both controls to the same parameter.

There are four “flip” or “swap” modes.

Off—disables Flip Mode, making the fader act as a volume control.

Duplicate—makes both the fader and encoder active for the currently selected
encoder parameter.

Swap—swaps the fader and encoder, making the fader a Pan control and the
encoder a channel volume control, for example.

Mute—disables the faders. This is useful for situations where recording is taking place
in the same room as the control surface, and you wish to avoid the mechanical noise
of the faders. Any existing automation data will still function as per normal.

Display Mode
If there is insufficient space available for the display of both the parameter name and
value (on the control surface LCD), you can specify what is displayed here:

Value—displays the parameter value

Name—displays the parameter name

Clock Display

Beats—the song position display shows Bars/Beats/(optional) Sub Division/Ticks

SMPTE—As above, but in Hours/Minutes/Seconds/Frames