Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual
Page 507

mono Short for monophonic sound reproduction. The process of mixing audio
channels into a single track, using equal amounts of the left and right audio channel
signals. Compare with stereo.
MTC See MIDI Time Code.
mute Switch off an Audio Object or track’s audio output. You can mute a track by
clicking the Track Mute button in the Track List. The output of an Audio Object is
disabled by clicking the Mute button at the bottom of the channel strip.
Object If capitalized, the term Object is used to refer to the graphical representation of
all elements in Logic’s Environment. These elements can be used to create and process
MIDI data in real-time, and can even be used to create processing “machines”, such as
virtual rhythm generators or step sequencers. Examples for Objects are Instruments,
Multi Instruments, Faders, Arpeggiators, and others. In the Environment’s Audio layer
you also find Objects used to process audio data. These Objects are correspondingly
named Audio Objects. Also see Audio Objects.
option 1) Alternative function, often in the form of a checkbox, sometimes also
available as a menu entry. 2) Modifier key, in Windows terminology this key is also
known as Alt key.
Output Object Audio Object in Logic’s Environment controlling the output level and
pan/balance for each output on your audio interface. They are assigned to a specific
hardware output in their Object Parameter box.
pan, pan position The placement of mono audio signals in the stereo field, by setting
different levels on both sides.
Parameter box Field on the left side of Logic’s windows used to adjust the parameters
of the selected Regions or Objects.
playback Playing an Audio or MIDI Region or an entire arrangement, allowing you to
hear it.
plug-in Software application that enhances the functionality of the main program (in
this case, Logic). Logic’s plug-ins are typically software instruments or effects.
Plug-in window A window that launches when a plug-in is inserted, or the Insert/
Instrument slot is double-clicked. Allows you to interact with the plug-in parameters.
Preferences window A window that is accessed via the Logic > Preferences menu. All
Logic preferences can be set in this window.
project In Logic, the top-level folder that holds all media associated with a song,
including audio files, Sampler Instruments and samples, Video and Settings of various