Accessing multiple outputs, Software instrument pitch, Rewire – Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual
Page 214

Chapter 6
Logic’s Mixing Facilities
The Audio Instrument Object features the following elements (see “Elements of the
Audio Object” on page 196): Inserts, Bus Sends, Input, Output, Automation, Pan, Level,
and Level meter, Mute/Solo.
Accessing Multiple Outputs
Logic supports the EXS24, UltraBeat, and AU-compatible instruments that are capable
of addressing multiple outputs. In addition to the “Mono” and “Stereo” submenus of the
Audio Instrument menu, a “Multi Channel” submenu lists all Instruments that offer
multiple outputs. A plug-in needs to be inserted from the “Multi Channel” submenu, in
order to access its individual outputs.
Please note that not all plug-ins (Logic and third-party) are multi-output capable. If the
Instrument does not appear in the Multi Channel submenu, it is not equipped with
multiple output facilities. Please make sure that the instrument you wish to use is
properly installed and authorized.
The first two outputs of a multiple output instrument are always played back as a
stereo pair by the Instrument channel that the plug-in is inserted into. Additional
outputs (3 and 4, 5 and 6, and so on) are accessed via Auxiliary Objects (see “Auxiliary
Object” on page 217).
Software Instrument Pitch
The Song Settings > Tuning > Software Instrument Pitch parameter remotely controls the
main tuning parameter for all software instruments by ±50 Cents. Some instruments
created by other manufacturers may not recognize this remote command.
Logic supports the ReWire software interface from Propellerhead, a software
manufacturer. ReWire is an interface between sequencer and audio applications.
ReWire works with hardware supported by Logic’s native audio engine (see “The Audio
Hardware and Drivers Dialog” on page 271).
Please start Logic first, and then start your ReWire application(s). ReWire scans for
ReWire-compatible applications or system extensions; Propellerhead’s Reason, for
Logic will display the audio returns of ReWire-connected applications as Audio
Objects: You’re able to insert plug-ins and create sends to busses on these returns, as
per a normal audio track.
In order to use the audio returns of ReWire-connected applications, select an Audio
Object and choose the desired ReWire audio-return in the Channel pull-down menu of
the Audio Object. You will find ReWire channels listed by name, along with the audio
tracks, inputs, busses, and outputs in this menu. ReWire (or the application that the
connection belongs to) generates the names for these channels. The name of a ReWire
channel is irrelevant to Logic.