Bus objects – Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual
Page 216

Chapter 6
Logic’s Mixing Facilities
Output Objects also provide the Bounce (see “Bounce” on page 204) function, which
can be used for either; recording all audio into one stereo audio file (comparable to a
master tape), or to merge several tracks (including all plug-ins and so on) into one
stereo or mono track (depending on whether the Output Object is set to mono or
The Output Object features the following elements (see “Elements of the Audio Object”
on page 196): Inserts, Automation, Pan, Level, and Level meter, Mute, Stereo/Mono,
Bus Objects
The Bus Objects can be used in several ways:
They can be used to route audio signals to external devices via the individual outputs
of the audio hardware, allowing you to change their level and pan settings, and apply
plug-ins, if you wish.
They can be used as subgroup channels, which control the level of several audio
channels at once. As an example, all drum tracks or all different vocal takes could be
routed to one stereo bus for control of their overall level—while still retaining the
relative differences between the individual channels.
To record the signal of a particular subgroup (for later use as a stereo track in the
arrangement), route it to an unused Output Object, and use the Bounce function (see
“Bounce” on page 204).
The Bus Objects can be used as effect returns: in this case the plug-ins serve as internal
effect processors.