Index – Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual

Page 511

background image






AAC 208
Active MIDI Transmission 120
aftertouch 501
alias 124
amplifier 501
amplitude 501
analog 501
Anchor point 275
Apple Loops 62

adding to song 64
Apple Loops Utility 64

Tags pane 64
Transients pane 65

blue sound wave icon 63
green note icon 63
Loop Browser 62

Key pull-down menu 63
locating files 62
Search field 63

Arrange channel strip 100

resizing 101

Arrange window 91, 501

audio file

adding multiple simultaneously 134

opening 92

level meter 93
Track Freeze button 149
Track Mute button 97
Track Protect button 100
Track Solo button 98

attenuating 501

preference 479

audio file

adding all files in a folder 262
adding multiples 262
adding multiple simultaneously 134
AIFF 265
format conversion 265
removing all files in a folder 262

SDII 265
stereo 266
type 250
WAV 265

Audio Instrument 501
Audio Instrument Object

Object Parameter box 106

Audio Mixer 192, 501

connecting Audio Objects 193
opening as float window 192

Audio Object 192, 194, 501

adjusting multiple simultanously 194
Audio Instrument Object 213
Audio Track Object 502
Auxiliary Object 217
Aux Object 502
Balance control 200
Bus Object 216, 503
Channel Strip Settings menu 197
configuring as stereo 203
creating 192
deleting 192
Input 199
Input Object 212, 505
Insert 197
level meter 200
list of elements 196
Mute button 203
Output Object 215
Pan control 200
Record Enable button 204
selecting multiple 194
Send 198
signal routing 193
Solo button 202
soloing several Objects at once 202
Track Object 211

Audio Region 91


end point 138
start point 138

audio synchronization 455
Audio Track Object 502