Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual
Page 512

Audio Unit. See AU
Audio window 502
Auto Create Tracks in Cycle Record option 87
Autodrop function 88, 143
Autoload Song 502
automation 502
settings 479
using a hardware MIDI fader 232
Auto Mute in Cycle Record option 87
Auto Track Zoom function 25
Auxiliary Object 217
Aux Object 502
backup file 59
Balance control 200
bank message
Bank Select parameter 104, 164
bar 502
position display 76
time signature change 78
bit depth 502
bit rate. See bit depth
bit resolution. See bit depth
bounce 503
Bounce button 503
Bounce function 204
adding audio file to iTunes library 205
Bounce window
AAC options 208
Burn options 210
global options 205
MP3 options 207
PCM options 206
Offline mode 206
Realtime mode 205
starting 204
Red Book audio to blank CD 210
bus 503
Bus Object 216, 503
bypass 503
Camera tool 20
Caps Lock Keyboard 49
Enable Catch when Sequencer starts option 29
channel strip 503
Channel Strip Only function 100
Channel Strip setting
copying 197
loading 197
menu 197
saving 197
Chase Events function 89
checkbox 14, 503
Chord 432
Chord Mode key command 46
Clear function 33
Clear Overload Flag in Audio Channel Display key
command 201
Clipboard 32, 503
clip detector 201
Contents Catch function 30
Contents Link function 29
controller 503
Controller Assignments window 500
control surface 487
assigning button to key command 498
assigning MIDI control to parameter 498
Controller Assignments window 500
customizing 498
defining multiple assignments 499
deleting MIDI assignment 498
help tag 497
Copy function 32
Core Audio 503
Core MIDI 503
Create new Instrument (key command) 101
Crescendo 359
Crosshair tool 20
Cut function 32
Cycle function 84
by Regions 85
graphically in Bar Ruler 85
numerically 85
skipping Cycle 86
switching on 84