Editing single-staff polyphonic styles, Input and recording of polyphonic voices, Via midi – Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual

Page 392

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Chapter 15

Score Editor

Editing Single-Staff Polyphonic Styles

(With Several Independent Voices)

Polyphonic Score Styles are required when rhythmically different melodic lines need to
be displayed in the same staff. Theoretically, up to 16 independent Voices are possible.

There are two possible ways to add another Voice to a staff in the Score Style window:

Menu New > Insert Voice. The new Voice will be inserted at the insert mark (>)
position, set with a click in the narrow column to the left of the staff numbers (this is
important if you want to insert a new Voice between existing Voices).

By clicking in the (empty) lower right portion of the Score Style window with the
pencil tool. In this situation, the new Voice is simply added at the bottom.

In both cases, the newly inserted Voice will have the same parameters as the Voice
above it. These can be freely edited.

A new line appears in the Score Style window for every new Voice. For additional Voices
within the same staff, it is important that the staff field in the first column remains
empty. If a number is displayed here, click on it. This will cause the number to
disappear, and the corresponding staff to disappear from the Score display.

If there are two independent Voices throughout the piece, the parameters might be set
as follows: Stem, Tie, and N-tuplet direction are set to up for the top Voice and down
for the bottom Voice. Note that even with these general parameters, Note Attributes
(see “Note Attributes” on page 398) can be changed for each not
e. Both Voices are
displayed with automatically displayed rests (Parameter Rest: Show).

For Voice Separation (see “Voice Separation Method” on page 390), the same methods
used in two-stave systems can also be applied. Either draw a line between the notes
with the Separation tool, or edit the MIDI channels of the notes directly, according to
the Voice assignment in the Score Style window.

While the Voice Separation tool is being used, the Help Tag indicates which of the
Voices are being separated by the current process. This is indicated by two horizontal
arrows between the numbers of the Voices, and is only relevant if there are more than
two Voices. To switch to the lower Voices, Shift-drag to move the arrows.

Input and Recording of Polyphonic Voices


If you record polyphonic voices as separate passes in real time, you should set your
keyboard or MIDI controller to the appropriate MIDI channel for each Voice. This saves
you from editing the channels after the fact. The same applies to step input.

Note: The original MIDI channel will not be recorded properly if the Sequencer Input
Object’s (see “Physical Input/Sequencer Input Objects” on page 177) Channelize
function is activated in the Environment window.