Different drum maps within the same song, Mapped score styles – Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual
Page 397

Chapter 15
Score Editor
Each MIDI note can be assigned to a Drum Group via a pull-down menu. A number of
groups are pre-defined for the most commonly used drum sounds (Kick, Snare, Hi hat,
Toms, Cymbals, and so on). If you want to define a new Drum Group for another
instrument sound (such as Tambourine), select one of the New Groups in the pull-down
menu, and double-click on it. This opens an entry field, allowing you to determine a
name for the new Drum Group.
Drum Groups play an essential role in “Mapped Score Styles”: a note must be assigned
to a Drum Group to be displayed in a Mapped Score Style. If it’s not, it won’t be visible.
Rel. Pos.
This parameter assigns the note to a line in the staff. It defines the note’s position, in
relation to the top line of the staff. Integer values make the note fall on a line, fractional
values result in a note position between two lines (the measurement unit of this
parameter is the distance of one staff line to the next).
This position parameter can be set individually for each MIDI note. Positions can also be
influenced in the Score Style window, but this affects all notes of a particular Drum
These options allow you to have two different MIDI notes (different bass drum sounds,
for example) displayed in the same way in the score, or on the same line, but with
different note heads.
Different Drum Maps Within the Same Song
If you are using various MIDI instruments with different drum assignments, you can
create a separate Drum Map (in the Drum Map Editor) for each instrument. The list of
Drum Groups, however, is the same for all instruments in a song. This enables you to
display different drum tracks with the same Mapped Score Style. All Snare Drums, for
example, will be displayed in the same way. If you don’t want this behavior, create
additional drum groups (Kick2, Snare2, and so on), and also create a second Mapped
Score Style for the display of these Drum Groups.
Mapped Score Styles
Take a look at the default Mapped Score Style in the Score Style window: You can
select the default via the pull-down menu to the left.
To the left side (Staff ), everything is identical to non-mapped Score Styles (with the
exception of the missing Transpose and Key parameters, which wouldn’t make sense
here). Choose a drum clef in the Clef column.
Below Voice (in the top header line), you’ll see a separate Voice column, where the
different Voices are numbered automatically. The Score Style, in the example above,
contains one staff with two independent Voices.