Moving and copying tempo changes, More about the tempo track – Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual
Page 243

Chapter 8
Global Tracks
To delete a tempo curve:
Click the handling node (at the tip of the right angle) with the Eraser tool, or double-
click on it.
Moving and Copying Tempo Changes
To move a tempo change, grab its node (or the line leading away from it) and drag it
left or right. To copy it, do the same while holding Option. To prevent unintentional
changes, moving a node is restricted to either vertical or horizontal movement. Put
another way, you can either change the tempo value or its position, but not both at
once. To alter the tempo in very small steps, press Shift while dragging the desired
node up or down.
Tempo events can also be copied by using the standard Copy and Paste procedure. The
SPL will determine the position for the first pasted event.
It is also possible to copy or move multiple tempo events at once: Use Shift-click or the
rubberband selection method (while pressing Control) for multiple selection.
More About the Tempo Track
Shift–double-clicking in the Tempo track will open the Tempo List.
The display range for tempo events is adjusted automatically. The upper and lower
boundaries of the Tempo track are labeled in the Track List. Dragging a node beyond
the current maximum or minimum scale boundaries will result in an automatic
adjustment of the range. You can also define the maximum and minimum ranges of
the tempo display manually. To do so: Grab the maximum and minimum values in
the tempo scale and drag them vertically, or double-click on either (or both) range(s)
and type the desired numerical value into the text field(s). These user-defined values
are displayed in yellow. If you want to reset to the automatic adjustment values, use
the procedure described above, and leave the text fields empty.