Via the clipboard, Paste multiple, Automatic insert quantization – Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual
Page 370

Chapter 15
Score Editor
Via the Clipboard
These functions work the same way as in many other software programs, and in other
Logic windows.
Paste inserts the Clipboard’s contents (a note) into the selected MIDI Region at the
current song position, as indicated in the Transport Window (see “The Transport
Window” on page 73). You need to set the Song Position Line to the desired
destination position before pasting.
When you simultaneously copy and paste several objects, the first object is pasted at
the indicated bar position, and the others, in relation to it.
Note: If you copy the contents of a whole bar which starts with a rest on the first beat,
the first object is not on one (because automatically displayed rests are not objects),
and therefore cannot be copied. In this situation, you need to set the paste position
accordingly. (The exception is when an object, such as a dynamic symbol, is at the
beginning of the selection, say at beat one, which is also copied).
Paste Multiple
The Clipboard’s contents can be pasted into several Regions at once, at the original
position. Select all desired Regions, and use either Edit > Paste Multiple, or the Paste
Multiple key command.
The multiple selection of Regions can be done either in the Arrange, or directly in the
Score window: Shift-click all desired staves, or “rubber band” the adjacent Regions.
Note: The Display Parameter box (see “The Display Parameter Box” on page 374) title
line always indicates the number of Regions that are currently selected.
Automatic Insert Quantization
When you Paste (or Paste Multiple) objects from the Clipboard, the position of the first
inserted event is automatically quantized, in accordance with the current global display
format (in the Transport window). As an example, if the current bar position is,
and the global display format is set to 1/16, the pasted object will be inserted at
position, whether it’s a note or a symbol. When the Clipboard contains more than
one object, the other objects’ positions are not quantized. Rather, their exact relative
positions from the first object are retained.
If you don’t want this behavior (because you want to preserve the unquantized timing
of the original), you are better served by other copy methods.
Paste at Original Position/Paste Multiple at Original Position
These two commands (Edit menu, or key commands (see “Key Commands” on
page 36)) allow you to quickly copy passages from one MIDI Region to another, at the
same time position. No insert position is required, and no automatic insert quantization
takes place.