Writing track automation data, Behavior in stop mode, Deleting track automation data – Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual

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Chapter 7


Switching Automation Modes for All Channels Simultaneously

Hold Command when switching the mode of a channel strip, and all channel strips that
were previously set to the same automation mode will switch to the selected mode.

Writing Track Automation Data

You have the following write options for Track Automation data:

Move any fader or control of the selected channel strip—in the Track Mixer or
Environment Mixer—with the automation mode (see “Automation Modes” on
page 228) set t
o Touch, Latch, or Write. In real world usage, you’ll rarely (if ever) use
the destructive Write mode, which erases all automation data. The standard write
modes are Touch and Latch.

Choose a parameter in the Arrange track list, and move the value slider to the right
of the track list, with one of the write modes engaged.

Move the external faders (and other controllers) of your Logic Control or another
suitable hardware controller that has been set up on your system, with one of the
write modes engaged.

Use Hyper Draw (see “Hyper Draw” on page 233) to manually draw in automation


The recording of Track Automation data takes place if Logic is in record or

playback mode! The Arrange window track selection or audio record ready status is
irrelevant. Whatever you touch/move will be recorded, when a channel strip is set to
one of the write modes. The movement of Mixer controls (when in a write mode) can
be used to overwrite and/or edit existing automation data, in real time.

Behavior in Stop Mode

In Stop mode, the Automation write modes are ignored, and no data is written if the
fader is moved. There is, however, one exception: if there are no dynamic changes (no
automation data), the current fader setting becomes valid for the whole song. This is
the default behavior for all mix parameters, when you start a fresh song.

Deleting Track Automation Data

The following, self-explanatory, automation data erasure options are available.
Choose Options > Track Automation >

Delete currently visible Automation Data of Current Track

Delete All Automation Data of Current Track

Delete Orphan Automation Data of Current Track

Delete All Automation Data of All Tracks

Shift-Option–double-click opens a dialog that allows all automation data of the current
type to be deleted. This is as per the Delete All Automation Data of Current Track option.

It is also possible to delete a selection of Hyper Draw nodes with Backspace. If no
Region is selected, the selected nodes will be deleted when pressing Backspace. Use
this function with care, to avoid the accidental deletion of Regions.