Cha/port, Legend, Bank – Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual

Page 172: Keyboard object

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Chapter 5

The Environment

Most of the GM Mixer’s set up is done in the mixer itself, but there are also a few
parameters in its Parameter box.


Like other instrument Objects, the GM Mixer can also have a direct MIDI output
connection. This is set in the line below the channel in the Parameter box. The Channel
parameter determines the channel number of the lowest GM Mixer module. You can
use this, together with resizing the GM Mixer window, to create sub-mixers for any
continuous string of channels (3 to 7, for example).


The Legend checkbox toggles the display of the legend along the left edge of the GM
Mixer. The Legend not only indicates what the rows of controls do, it is used to set the
function of the top four rows of knobs. After the GM Mixer is set up, you can hide the
legend to save space.


The Bank checkbox toggles bank MSB/LSB display below the program name display, at
the bottom of the GM Mixer. You can save space by hiding bank display, unless you
need to select program banks numerically.

Keyboard Object

The keyboard Object is used for creating notes with the mouse. It will also display all
notes passing through it. In this sense, you can think of it as a realtime, note-on

You can create a virtual keyboard by selecting New > Keyboard.

The keyboard Object generates MIDI note events when clicked with the mouse. It also
displays note events passing through it—when a note is being held, the corresponding
key is reversed in color. Although you can record the output of the keyboard in Logic,
its main purpose is for testing and monitoring in the Environment.

Apart from the standard parameters, you can also set the MIDI channel, a fixed velocity
for all notes and the octave of the lowest note on the keyboard (which is always a C).
You can re-size the keyboard to control its range above the lowest note. Shift-click the
keyboard to select, and move it.