Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual

Page 475

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Chapter 20

Song Settings and Preferences


“Switch” controllers 64 to 71 are chased. These include: sustain, sostenuto, hold 2, soft
pedal, and portamento.

All other
All other controller numbers are chased.

(Channel) Aftertouch data is chased.

Polyphonic Aftertouch
Polyphonic Aftertouch data, generated by pressure sensors under the individual keys of
the keyboard controller, is chased.

System Exclusive
The most recent SysEx message(s) in the Regions (before the current playback start
point) are transmitted. If a Region contains pre-recorded SysEx fader data, the fader will
be set to its correct state at the playback start point.

Note: Chase events cannot always fully restore the correct state of SysEx data at the
playback start point. To do so would involve not just searching for, but also analyzing
all SysEx messages for the entire song, both before and after the playback start point.
Given the non-standardized data structure of SysEx messages, this is completely

If even a couple of sound parameters have been recorded, each with separate SysEx
faders of differing settings before the playback start point, there will be deviations in
the sound. To circumvent this issue, try recording controller data for remote-control of
the SysEx faders during playback. As chase events searches all controller numbers
separately, any sound parameter SysEx settings (that have been substituted with
controllers) will be correct at the playback start point. Another advantage to this
method is that controller events can be edited graphically in the Hyper Editor, or by
using Hyper Draw.

Chase separate channels in ‘All Channels’ instruments
This option affects multi instruments with the Channel parameter set to All. All defined
event types in Regions that are started part-way through are chased separately for
each MIDI sub-channel of the multi instrument.

Chase on Cycle Jump
Switches on the chase events function for cycle jumps (when a Cycle reaches its end
point, and returns to the Cycle start point). Notes are only chased in a cycle jump when
both the Notes checkbox and the Chase on Cycle Jump checkbox are activated.