Changing the way notes with ties are displayed, N-tuplets – Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual
Page 352

Chapter 15
Score Editor
Changing the Way Notes With Ties Are Displayed
If you don’t like the way particular tied notes are displayed, you can change the display
by inserting a user rest at the position you want to see a graphic note. The rest’s length
is not important, but you should preferably use a shorter one (an eighth note rest).
Watch the Help Tag, for exact positioning. As soon as the rest is inserted, it will no
longer be visible in the score display, but the note display will change accordingly. If
you want to change the position of a rest, or delete it, you may do so in the Event List.
The symbol for N-tuplets is found in the triplet group.
Depending on the selected display quantization, and the particular situation, Logic
usually recognizes and notates regular triplets correctly. This requires a corresponding
Qua (see “Qua—Display Quantization” on page 377) value in the Display Parameter
box). You need to use the N-tuplet object for the display of other N-tuplets.
Definition of Previously Recorded Notes As N-Tuplets
For notes that already exist (as part of a MIDI recording), but are not displayed correctly,
the N-tuplet symbol needs to be dragged on top of the first note. This note must be
indicated in the Help Tag, before you release the mouse button. A dialog box will open,
allowing you to define the N-tuplet’s attributes:
In the score, the above would correspond to:
The dialog box is best explained with the example above: five tuplet eighth notes
should be displayed, in place of four regular eighth notes. The following options are
also available:
Hide Bracket: the bracket is not displayed.