Link, contents link, and contents catch – Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual

Page 29

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Chapter 1

Using Logic


If the button featuring the walking man is lit, the window’s display follows the song
position as the song plays. If the button is not lit, the display does not update, even
when the song position line moves past the right edge of the visible portion of the
window (Catch Clock Position).

Note: If you move the visible section manually, Catch is automatically switched off,
ensuring that the newly displayed section doesn’t then disappear.

The Catch when Sequencer starts (Preferences > Global > Catch) option enables Catch
mode whenever you press Play or Pause.

Link, Contents Link, and Contents Catch

You can define these display options to control how information is displayed when
working with related editor windows.

When the button featuring the chain link icon is activated in a given window, this
window always displays the same contents as the topped window. The display is
adjusted whenever the selection in the topped window is altered.

Here’s an example: imagine the topped window is an editor. In Linked mode, the other
editor windows can display the same data in another form (with the exception of the
Arrange window, which does not display event data).

Here’s another example, using the Environment window; The top window is the
Arrange window. In Linked mode, the Environment window will display the instrument
that corresponds to the selected track in the Arrange window. As you switch tracks in
the Arrange, the Environment will update to reflect the selection.

Contents Link
Double-clicking on the Link button activates Contents Link mode. This means that the
window always shows the contents of the Region or Object selected in the top
window. The display is therefore always one level below that of the top window.

Here’s an example: if the top window is an Arrange window, in Contents Link mode
the editor windows can show the events of a selected MIDI Region. Selecting a
different MIDI Region in the Arrange window will cause the display of the linked editor
to switch to the newly-selected MIDI Region.