Resizing the arrange channel strip, Midi instruments, Creating a new instrument – Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual
Page 101
Chapter 3
Arrange Window
The Arrange channel strip allows you to access all of the mixer channel functions
(volume, pan, sends, inserts, and so on) directly from the Arrange window. Any
adjustments you make to a track’s Arrange channel strip will be reflected in the
corresponding Track Mixer and Environment channel strip as well.
Resizing the Arrange Channel Strip
You can alter the size of the Arrange channel strip (and the entire Parameters area), by
moving your mouse cursor over the “resize bars” (two vertical lines) between the
Parameters area and the Track List. The cursor appearance will change, allowing you to
click and drag horizontally. As you do so, the Parameters area is resized, and both it and
the Track List will move left or right, until the mouse button is released.
This facility makes reading parameter names and labels clearer.
MIDI Instruments
In order to know where specific MIDI messages are to be sent, Logic needs to have
some idea of how the MIDI devices in your setup are connected. This is portrayed
graphically in the Environment, which shows the sequencer’s connection with many
other Objects, which we will refer to as “Instruments” in this section. Each instrument is
an Environment Object, which represents a physical MIDI device. You can think of the
Instrument Object as being a virtual instrument, or a representation of a real
To learn how to configure the Environment, refer to the Environment section (see
“Environment—Introduction” on page 153).
To make an instrument visible:
Double-click on the instrument name in the Track List. This directly opens the
Environment window, with the Object selected.
Creating a New Instrument
It is best to create Instruments directly in the Environment, but you can also do so from
the Arrange window, by using the Create New Instrument key command. The selected
track will then contain a new Instrument, whose parameters can be adjusted in the
instrument’s Object Parameter box. The new Instrument will also be present in the
Environment. All Instruments in the Arrange window exist in the Environment, no
matter where they were created originally.