Numbers & names – Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual

Page 414

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Chapter 15

Score Editor

Numbers & Names

These settings affect the automatic display of page numbers, bar numbers, and
instrument names in the score.

To open this window, select:

Layout > Numbers & Names…

Key command Settings: Numbers & Names

Double-click on any bar or page number

Automatic page and bar number display, and automatic display of instrument names
can be switched on and off for the whole song, by activating/deactivating the
corresponding check boxes in this window.

For each of these, you can set Font, Size, and Face, (bold, underlined, italic, outlined,
and circled. Each is activated by clicking on the appropriate symbol. The “circled”
attribute is similar to “boxed”, but a circle is used instead of a rectangle. An ellipse is
used for wide text.

The corresponding Text Styles in the Text Style Window (see “Text Styles” on page 425)
are automatically updated if you edit these settings.

Page Numbers

Hor. Position
The horizontal alignment on the page

alternating: alternating, beginning on the right side
rev. alternating
: alternating, beginning on the left side

Vert. Position
The vertical alignment on the page


Page Offset
This value is added to each actual page number, for display purposes. This can be
useful when writing a piece consisting of several parts, which are saved as separate
song files. To retain continuous page numbers throughout the score, you can set this
parameter to the number of pages contained in all preceding parts (song files).

Hor. Distance
The horizontal distance from the outermost possible printing position on the page. This
is only relevant for page numbers with the Hor.Position parameter set to alternating or
rev. alternating