Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual
Page 493

Chapter 21
Control Surface Support
Instrument Parameter Page
Determines the parameter index (counted from 1) which is assigned to the left-most
encoder when editing a software instrument. The next Instrument parameter is
assigned to encoder #2, and so on.
With Split Mode enabled, this applies to Split Upper.
Inst Parameter Page (Split Lower)
As with Instrument Parameter Page, but for Split Lower.
Insert Slot
Determines the current insert slot number for both selecting a plug-in (in plug-in
Channel Strip View) and editing its parameters. A value of 1 accesses the first (top) plug-
in slot on each channel. A value of 2 accesses the second plug-in slot, and so on.
With Split Mode enabled, this applies to Split Upper.
Insert Slot (Split Lower)
As with Insert Slot, but for Split Lower.
Plug-in Parameter Page
As with Instrument Parameter Page, but for editing plug-ins. Having these parameters
separate allows you to quickly switch between editing an instrument and a plug-in on
a track, without the need to adjust the parameter page every time.
With Split Mode enabled, this applies to Split Upper.
Plug-in Parameter Page (Split Lower)
As with Plug-in Parameter Page, but for Split Lower.
Specifies the currently displayed track for Channel Strip Views.
With Split Mode enabled, this applies to Split Upper.
Track (Split Lower)
As with Track, but for Split Lower.
Track Lock
When this parameter is set to “on”, selecting a track in Logic does not change the Track
and Track (Split Lower) parameters. In other words, the control surface group continues
to display the same track, independent from the currently selected track.
When Track Lock is disabled, the control surface group automatically switches to the
selected track, whenever a track is selected.