Global preferences: catch, Global preferences: caps lock keys – Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual
Page 478

Chapter 20
Song Settings and Preferences
Smooth Cycle Algorithm
This improves the timing of cycle jumps, making it easier to set the length of sample
loops while in Cycle mode—although this is somewhat mitigated through the use of
Apple Loops. If your computer has a very slow CPU, this setting reduces the processing
performance for graphic operations. In general, you’ll want to keep this on, whenever
possible, especially if you’re working in a style which involves frequent cycling of
musical sections. If you find that your Cycled sections are not as smooth as you’d like
them (and that your loops are actually perfect), you may wish to disable this parameter.
Global Preferences: Catch
Catch when sequencer starts
Every time you start the sequencer (start or pause), the Catch (see “Relationships
Between Windows” on page 28) function is automatically switched on, in all windows.
Catch when moving song position
Activation of this option ensures that whenever you move the SPL, the Catch function
is automatically switched on.
Allow content Catch by position if Catch and Link are enabled
If the catch and content catch functions are active, the contents of the Region at the
current song position are shown. If this option is inactive, the window view still follows
the song position within the displayed Region, but does not update to show the
contents of subsequent Regions as the SPL passes them in play or record mode.
Global Preferences: Caps Lock Keys
Enable Caps Lock Keys
A further Enable Caps Lock Keys option allows you to completely enable or disable the
Caps Lock Keyboard functionality.
Space bar acts as Sustain Pedal
Should you wish to use the Space Bar key command (usually Start/Stop), rather than as
the Sustain function for the Caps Lock Keyboard (when active), you can disable the
Space bar acts as Sustain Pedal option.
Show window when active
After familiarizing yourself with the operation of the Caps Lock Keyboard for a while,
you may wish to prevent the window from appearing when using it. To do so, disable
the Show window when active option in the Preferences > Global > Caps Lock Keys