Guitar tablature – Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual
Page 419

Chapter 15
Score Editor
Chord Symbol Alignment determines the general horizontal alignment of chord symbols
(see “Handling Chord Symbols” on page 433) with an Align parameter set to def
(default), in relation to their bar position.
Chord Symbol Accidental Scale changes the accidental size, in relation to the font size
setting: Positive values result in an increased size, negative values in a diminished size
of chord symbol accidentals.
Clicking on Factory Defaults resets all parameters to their default settings. If you have a
high resolution printer, you should try to use smaller line thickness settings (2, or
maybe even 1). Smaller staves, in particular, look much better and more professional.
The other parameter settings are more a matter of personal preference.
These changes are only visible at the highest zoom levels on the screen. To really judge
the results, try some printouts with different settings.
Guitar Tablature
Guitar tablature is an alternative method of notating music for fretted string
instruments, especially for guitar and electric bass, but also for other fretted
instruments with four to six strings (or courses of strings).
In this system, the horizontal lines represent the strings of the instrument. Notes are
always written on the line/string at which they are played. The numbers of the frets are
shown instead of regular note heads.
Logic automatically converts notes into tablature, if a Score Style containing a Clef
parameter set to one of these Tuning Sets, is used. The exact characteristics of these
Tuning Sets are determined in the Guitar Tablature window.
To open this window, use:
Layout > Guitar Tablature
Key command Settings: Guitar Tablature
Double-click on the TAB clef, at the beginning of any staff that already uses tablature
in the score.
Twelve different Tuning Sets can be defined. Each of them corresponds to one line in
this window. The regular guitar and bass tunings are already included as defaults (first
line and last five lines), as are some of the more common guitar tunings.
The following parameters (from left to right) are available for every Tuning Set:
Name: can be changed in the text entry field that opens with a double-click on the
Strings: number of strings (four, five, or six).
Assign: the method Logic uses for automatically assigning notes to strings. (see below)