Size, Clef, Trans – Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual

Page 387

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Chapter 15

Score Editor


These editing procedures change the settings of the corresponding Score Style. This
means that all Regions which use the same Score Style will be affected, which is not
always what you might want. To prevent this, use the fast creation method for new
Styles, based on existing ones.


The size of the staff, and the notes and symbols it contains. There are 16 sizes available
(0–15). Here are some size recommendations: for regular instrument parts and lead
sheets, use size 7 or 8. The staff size you should use in full scores depends on the
number of staves in the score, and the size and format of the paper being used. When
using A4 or US letter paper: full orchestra: 2, big band: 3, wind quintet: 4.

You should note that the size of all staves in an Instrument Set can also be affected by
the Scale parameter (see “Full Score and Part Layout” on page 407) in the Instrument
Set window. This makes it possible to use the same sizes for both the whole score and
parts of a piece.


You can select the clef to be used in the Score Style from a pull-down menu. This menu
offers some special options, in addition to the usual clefs:

Drum.0 to Drum.8: staves with 0 to 8 lines and a “neutral” percussion clef. The
relationship of MIDI note pitches to the top line of all staves, corresponds to the top
line in a regular bass clef (A2). No accidentals will be displayed in these drum staffs.
Drum.0 also omits any ledger lines. These clefs are often used in Mapped Drum Styles
(see “Drum Notation With Mapped Score Styles” on page 396),
where the height of a
note does not correspond to pitch, but is determined by different Drum Map

no clef.0 to no clef.8: is like the Drum.0–8 staves, but without a clef.

TAB Guitar… and TAB Bass…: 12 different options for displaying notes as guitar or
bass tablature. Tablature Tuning Sets are defined and edited in the Tablature window
(Layout > Guitar Tablature…).


The display transposition, measured in half steps up or down. This parameter does not
affect MIDI playback. If a staff contains chord symbols, these will also be transposed
accordingly. If Automatic Key Transposition in Layout > Clefs & Signatures is activated
(which is the default setting), key signatures will also be transposed (with one
exception see next paragraph).


If this parameter is set to Hide, the corresponding staff is displayed without a key
signature. Instead, all sharps and flats are indicated directly beside the notes. This
parameter will usually be set to Show the key signature. Hide is an option mainly used
for transposed french horn parts, which are sometimes written without a key signature.