Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual

Page 520

background image



Standard MIDI file 60

bank select 60
format 0 60
format 1 60
loading 60
saving 61

Step backwards key command 48
Step forward key command 48
Step Input 44

In button 45
input via MIDI 49
Keyboard window 45
key commands 47
via computer keyboard 47


create object 203

Stereo audio region

left channel playback 203
right channel playback 203

Stop button 80

Quicktime 463

synchronization 451

audio 455
general 453
locking Logic to external sync 451
receiving 451, 452
recording 451
tape machine 460
tips 460
Unitor 458
video 461
VITC 459

synthesizer 509
SysEx 475


tape machine

synchronization 460

tape sync 451

equal 471

template 56

saving 56
using 56

Tempo 447

change 448

Tempo Resolution menu 242
Tempo track 242

adjusting tempo events range 243
continous transition between two tempi 242
copying tempo change 243
deleting tempo change 242
inserting tempo change 242
moving tempo change 243

Tempo Resolution menu 242

Text Tool 19
Text tool 16
Time signature 127
time signature change 78

editing 78
erasing 78


fixing problems 119

toggle 509
Toggle Loop key command 117

Camera 20
Crosshair 20
effective range 17
Eraser 19
Finger 19
Glue tool 20
hide/show toolbox 17
Layout tool 19
Magnifying Glass 19
MIDI Thru Tool 20
Mute tool 19
opening Tool Box at mouse position 17
Pencil 19
Pointer 18
Quantize Tool 20
Scissors 19
selecting 17
selecting by Key Command 18
Sizer Tool 19
Solo Tool 19
Text Tool 19
two tools available at mouse pointer 16
Velocity tool 20
Voice Splitter 20

track 92

adjusting sound 104
arming 204
assigning Object 93
copying 95
creating 95
deleting 96
freezing 149
icon 94
muting 97
naming 96
protecting 99
selecting 95
selecting Instrument Object 99
soloing 98
sorting 95
types of 93

Track Button Slide Activation function 98
Track Freeze button 149